WC #23 The Ghost Story of Xmas 2019 with M.R. James

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Most fans will tell you that M. R. James is one of the fathers of the English ghost story. And even though he was technically a bit beyond Queen Victoria, he still gets listed along with those classic “Victorian Ghost Story” tellers. So our scary story this year is from him, a wonderful tale called “The Story of a Disappearanace and an Appearance.”

There’s a catch, though: Americans are gonna be confused. This story has a lot to do with a traditional English puppet show called a Punch and Judy show. (It’s fun stuff.) But I got an actual Brit to help explain what that is, as well as to give us some background on James himself. Jim Moon, of the Hypnogoria Podcast, was kind enough to come talk to me, and his show is a wonderful collection of old horror/ghost/weird stories as well. (Also check out The Commentary Club, a show he does with his wife about older cult movies.)

A big thank you to all those who helped me read the story this year! In order of appearance, they are:

Bumper music (after the usual stuff): “Christmas Ghost” by Le chat au café.

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